Friday 30 May 2014

Photo shoot 29th May

On Thursday afternoon, Georgina and I went on a photo shoot in Baggins Book Bazaar in Rochester. Again, after volunteering at a museum in town, I was looking around the shop when I found a corner at the back that I thought would be perfect for photo shoots. So I organised with Georgina to go there, and true to her personality, despite doing nothing that morning, she'd forgotten I was picking her up at 1pm, so did her make up and hair in the car on the way to Rochester (I'd like to point out Georgie has once cancelled a photo shoot the morning it was supposed to happen on account of the fact she was going away to Devon and didn't know about it).

It was really fun. At least for me. Georgina hasn't modelled for me for a while, so she said she felt a bit odd in front of the camera again and was a little unsure of what to do, but she did perfectly well, in my opinion and I'm really happy with the photographs I got.

When we went into Baggins, I asked if we could take photos there and the man said it was fine, I think he thought I meant of the books, or just of Georgina, but I turned a section of his shop into a photography studio: two chairs for my equiptment, a big pop up reflector that sectioned us off from the rest of the shop. We drew a crowd, I believe, although I was too busy to notice, Georgina did keep laughing because people were watching us.

Afterwards, we look around the book shop properly and bought a book each. Georgina bought a graphic novel and got laughed at when she had to put her glasses on to read book covers, and I bought an illustrated journal. Then walked around Rochester because there's lots of odd, cute shops there. We had a look in the charity shops, too, and went for a drink before leaving.

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